
Welcome 2014

Here’s the start of a new year and I keep renewing my wishes and plans, for myself, my family and friends and the whole world. It’s in this time of the year that I think that everything can be achieved, fixed and improved, when anything is possible with the whole year ahead of us. Isn’t it the best feeling?

My list for 2014 includes:
– Add more exercise to my weekly routine.
– Cook more healthy meals.
– Embrace more outdoor activities.
– Be more connected with friends.
– Add more fun stuff to the blog, including videos.
– Be more organized.
– More solidarity
– …

We spent Christmas at our sweet new home and for New Years, we drove to Mississauga to meet our good friends Carol and Luciano. I don’t even need to say it was fun and as you would expect, lots of photos are heading this way soon (oh, and maybe even videos…).
Arriving in GTA

New Year’s Eve – our little family (dogs not pictured – rsrs)
May the new year be full of great achievement in mind, body and soul, for everybody!