New blog

Hi everybody!! Thanks for the previous post comments. Pat, I’m planning to talk about our neighborhood and Ottawa in general in a post soon. Stay tuned. And Lidiane, it’s going to take a while before I can share progress on the decor, but I hope to have some small updates on that soon.

As you may have noticed, in the 7th blog anniversary (wow, that long!), I decided to spice things up and made some changes on this little blog of ours. First, the former New Home Canada became Like a New Home and I tell you the story behind it.
We still live in Canada and don’t plan to change that anytime soon, but I thought having Canada in the blog’s name was somehow narrowing the idea of what the blog is about. Yes, the blog still talks a lot about this beautiful country, but it’s more than that, at least in our plans. 
Like a New Home was born after a lot of brainstorming and our always present will for a change. I was about to purchase a domain .com and New Home Canada was not available. So we thought it was an opportunity to make a big change. The new name basically means that Canada will always be like a new home to us, no matter how long we live here. We’re sure we have so much to learn and discover for many years to come. Also, our recent move to this house, feeling like a new home (although the house is actually 15 years old) being a new house to our family and bringing so many expectation on how many nice memories we’ll make it in here.
Finally, I’m not going to deny that I thought of one of Madonna’s biggest hits, Like a Virgin, it was just part of my teenager days. Can’t you just start dancing when you hear it? Well, me too.
Hope you liked it! I’m still improving it and it’ll take a while (I heard that the translation to Portuguese from Google kind of sucks – but it give us an idea of what’s the post about), specially now that I have a job (part-time), Alice is going to school (daycare) and it’s currently a little sick (nothing serious, just perks of being with a bunch with other kids for many hours a day…), more on all that soon.
I really wanted to come here more often, but we are adjusting our routines and everything else… awww, can we have 30 hour days, some days a week?
I leave you with a Halloween preview of miss Alice, the pumpkin lady…



  • SarriaFamily5

    I love changes and like the new name a lot. It will be easier for others to enjoy reading all your wonderful posts. Alice looks beautiful behind those pumpkins. I hope she feels better soon.

  • SarriaFamily5

    I love changes and this new name is great. A lot more people will be able to read all your great posts for sure. Can't wait to hear more information about the new home and Alice in daycare. Hope she feels better and by the way she looks beautiful behind those pumpkins.

  • Eliana Costa

    Que linda sua Alice, parece que conheço vcs, o blog aproxima a gente. Espero que os posts se tornem frequentes em breve, e adoro ver fotos de Alice, ela é tão linda e meiga. Abraço^^

  • Eliana Costa

    Âh, quem fez o layout do blog? tanto esse quanto o outro são bem clean. Quero fazer um blog sobre estudos, mas ainda quero aprender a fazer um layout bonito, pois é uma das primeiras coisas que me chamam atenção em um blog. Obrigada^^

  • Wilma Santos

    Oi, que linda a Alice com as abóboras!!
    Realmente a tradução automática aqui é meio tosca,mas dá uma idéia do que está sendo falado. Eu sou reticente quanto a mudança do nome do Blog, quase todos que eu conheci de grande sucesso, ao mudar o nome, parece mudar totalmente a vibe, sei lá…mas desejo-lhe sorte. Um recente que não consigo assimilar é o da Dupla Canadense…para mim vocês serão sempre NewHome…hahaha, são anos acompanhando.