Tulip Festival | Ottawa 2017

Canadian Tulip Festival
Canadian Tulip Festival 2017
The beautiful tulips colored Ottawa during the days 12 and 22 Of May in 2017 and I passed there quickly to record a little bit of this beauty.
We were going away on the second day of the festival and not to miss it, I visited Dow’s Lake on the way to the same airport. This was the 65th Canadian Tulip Festival that takes place in various locations in ottawa and gatineau and note there, in 2018, will take place from 11 to 21 May.
The 15 minutes under fine rain were essential for me to register with the same phone, the festival that was promising beautiful colors and fantastic looks. Counting all the locations, there are over 1 million tulip bulbs, wow!
I couldn’t walk for a third of the park, because the rest of the family was waiting for me in the car and we had a flight to catch in a few hours. Don’t think people got caught up in the rain, there were a lot of people hanging out there.
As we had a cold spring this year, a good part of the tulips were still unopened, so I always recommend coming to visit there in the middle of the festival, where most will be open and the colorful will be at its peak.
Let’s go to the pictures:
Canadian Tulip Festival
Canadian Tulip Festival
Canadian Tulip Festival and one of the neighborhood house in the background
Canadian Tulip Festival
Selfie even, because I was alone… Hehehe
Beautiful red tulips
Canadian Tulip Festival
The tulip celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary was not yet open… Buá!

Kisses and see you next time!