MosaïCanada 150 | Gatineau Tourism

MosaïCanada 150

A few weekends ago we visited another attraction specially assembled in celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary. It was a beautiful day and to coincide with another attraction that was going on the same day, La Machine, was crowded, both Ottawa and Gatineau.

The MosaïCanada 150 (see more information on the website here) is in Gatineau, jacques-cartier park, on the border with Ontario, on the banks of the Ottawa River, and close to the Canadian Museum of History, is this beautiful exhibition of natural plant sculptures, addressing various historical aspects of Canadian culture.

The exhibition has free admission (you can take a guided tour for $10 per adult), there is only inspection of bags and backpacks at the entrance and is available to tourists and non-tourists (unfortunately dogs are not accepted), every day from 10am to 7pm until October 15th d and 2017 (then I think the plants can’t resist the cold!).

From the photos I had seen, it was beautiful, but after visiting, people, it’s really unmissable. The sculptures are well cared for and detailed with various types of plants Much of the topography of the park has been adjusted to create a harmonic path between the sculptures and accommodate all the large and small works (it even has a full size train!). That’s all not to mention the beautiful visuals from inside the park to the Ottawa side, with parliament hill in the background. We think it’s perfect.

The girls also loved it, especially the sculpture of the mother-nature, which we nicknamed Te Fiti, because it reminds a lot of the character of the movie Moana.

I commented like Diego that I would like him to have it every year, as it would not only be a great tourist spot for those who visit Ottawa/Gatineau, but also a beautiful addition to the summer of those who live here. As far as I know, it’s a special exhibit for 150 years and it’s not coming back next year.


MosaïCanada 150
MosaïCanada 150
MosaïCanada 150
Anne of Green Gables (from Canadian literature) and Engine CPR 374
MosaïCanada 150
Three Ships from France (Québec caravels)
MosaïCanada 150
Proudly Canadian (coin) and Red Foxes (Prince Edward Island foxes)
MosaïCanada 150
Touristing in Gatineau
MosaïCanada 150
Beautiful visuals
MosaïCanada 150
The Puffins (Bird of Newfoundland and Labrador)
MosaïCanada 150
The Prospector (the miner from Yukon) and Alice with the dragons of Beijing (area inspired by China and the various immigrants there)
MosaiCanada 150
Super well worked the dragons in honor of China.
The Polar Bear (from Manitoba)
Photo from right: A Giant from Gatineau
Loved the view
Tribute to national sport – Hockey (ice hockey) and our model/princess
Joyful Celebration of the Nine Lions – Shanghai
Photo from right: Mother Earth – The Legend of Aataentsic (we nicknamed Te Fiti)
Linda “Te Fiti”
One more view of the train – all clothed with plants
Wild horses

I hope you enjoyed it!
Until the next post!