San Francisco – California | Part I

Oh California! This was our first time on the American West Coast (well, Diego had been there for a day…) and in the most populous state of the States…

San Francisco was our destination this time and as Diego’s parents, Ari and Lourdes, would be visiting us here in Canada for that day, we arranged a family trip this time.
The day after our arrival, Sunday, we were able to have the whole family together and that’s when we tried to gather the largest number of important outings (since the rest of the days we wouldn’t have Diego to accompany us due to a conference).
Needless to say, the city is beautiful. We love the vibe and although Diego was busy 90% of the time we were there, we, “the tourists”, managed to see much of the great sights of the city.
We had some negative points on this trip as well and one of them was our choice of accommodations. Well, since there was such a conference in the city and because San Francisco was known to be expensive in terms of hotels, we didn’t get anything within our price range and in the regions we wanted to stay in. We chose to rent an apartment through the Airbnb site and although we read reviews and online service were great, the result of the experience was not very good and so we will think well before doing something similar again (I’m sure we were unlucky and that in the majority, these types of rent work well… but at last). In short, the place was used and relatively dirty (including beds and towels) when we arrived and were only semi-solve the next day… with family and child(s) this does not work well…
In post part 2 I tell the other case that went wrong… OK?!
Anyway, let’s go to the pictures and good stuff – part I – shall we?
San Francisco, California
Slopes and more slopes…
San Francisco, California
Strategic break at the prainha near Crissy Field Marsh
San Francisco, California
Someone didn’t want to leave the beach anymore.
San Francisco, California
How about the view? Lindooo!
Palace of Fine Arts Theather
Visiting the Palace of Fine Arts Theather
Streets of San Francisco - Golden Gate
One more slope – Oh the Golden Gate in the back…
Fisherman’s Wharf or Pier 39
Pier 39
Fisherman’s Wharf or Pier 39 – we love the place – that’s when we had breakfast (at Wipe-Out – simple but really tasty food – we recommend).
Alcatraz Tour - Pier 33
Pier 33 – Towards Alcatraz (with guaranteed lap!)
Tour Alcatraz - Boat
Beautiful visuals of the city
Alcatraz Penitenciary
Arriving at Alcatraz Island
Our alcatraz tour was planned kind of last minute. They say that it is best to buy several weeks in advance, because the tours sell out fast, but fortunately we were lucky to still find tickets a few weeks in advance.
The boat ride lasted about 15 to 20 minutes and soon we were on the island. The prison is relatively small and you can hear the audio tour that comes along with the ticket and find out about the past of the prison, say in passing, is well cared for and has every beautiful view to San Francisco (even from inside some cells).
You can take an electric train to climb up to the main part of the penitentiary or climb on foot (ramps), admiring the visuals more calmly. We recommend taking a stroller for small children (they will hardly want to climb everything on foot…).
Alcatraz Penitenciary
Alcatraz Penitenciary
Alcatraz Penitenciary
It’s worth bringing a little coat… wind yoethed there… 🙂
Alcatraz Penitenciary
Visit to the cells and the interior of the prison…
Alcatraz Penitenciary
Community showers
Alcatraz Penitenciary
Grandpas Lourdes and Ari enjoying the audio tour (had version in Portuguese!)
Alcatraz Penitenciary
“Recreational” area
Alcatraz Penitenciary
They got another bandit! Rsrsrsrsrs
Alcatraz Penitenciary
Adminstrativo building
View of San Francisco from Alcatraz
Wow, beautiful looks!
Alcatraz Penitenciary
Typical cell in Alcatraz – with a young lady sleeping…
Alcatraz Penitenciary
We continued the ride while Alice took a nap…
Alcatraz Penitenciary
Inner part of the cafeteria
Alcatraz Island, California
Ride on the boat – back to dry land.
Alcatraz Island, California
Alcatraz Bye!
Pier 39 - Fisherman's Wharf
Pier 39 – Fisherman’s Wharf

Back at the Pier, we returned to Fisherman’s Wharf /Pier 39 for lunch and chose the Pier Market Seafood Restaurant and it was a great option (they serve fresh fish for over 30 years).

Pier 39 - Fisherman's Wharf
The three of us!
Pier Market Seafood Restaurant - Pier 39
Stuffed tilapia at Pier Market Seafood Restaurant
Carousel at Pier 39 - Fisherman's Wharf
Birthday girl of the day won laps on the carousel….
Carousel at Pier 39 - Fisherman's Wharf
And you hardly liked it! Lol
Next post comes with a few more trocentas photos and more interesting places of San Francisco, including Lombard Street and the Golden Gate Bridge! Wait…. 🙂