An afternoon at Saunders Farm

A few weekends ago, we went to visit a farm on the outskirts of Ottawa at the invitation of friends Carlos and Claudia. The day promised rain, but still we decided to take a little jump there to enjoy the day. Diego can't go, but he promised that next time he'd show up… 🙂
Saunders Farm is approximately 40 minutes from downtown Ottawa. It has several activities, especially in this Halloween season, with things of horror, many pumpkins and the traditional attractions of the farm, which include green mazes, farm animals, themed playgrounds, shows and tractor rides.
We enjoyed a little bit of everything, even a tractor ride with excitement, in this case, under rain!  Fun too!

That pony was adorable!!

Alice loved the pets…


Little house for the kids…

Iupiii… until I came down!

Alice and Lucas had a great time…

Eita nóis!

These two…

View of mazes

Circular maze

Give strain on her legs (and arms – to carry Alice and purse and another bag…)
Photo by Claudia

Little tree house – so cute!

Someone there didn't waste a minute…


See ya!