Diana | 3 years old

Diana 3 years old

Behold, our second princess completed three years this past Christmas. Even after three years, I still haven't gotten used to the fact that she chose the 25th to come into the world. This time is already full of things and since she arrived, we've added her birthday celebration too, of course.

That year, we chose to have a little party, super intimate, the next day, not to miss the date in "white".
Diana every day proves to us that she is a big girl already, away from the baby stage. We understand 100% of the things she talks about, both in English and Portuguese, and she loves to talk and tell stories. She loves to play, even alone, making voices of the characters of the game. It's very methodical and can't see an open drawer or something badly closed, it's super affectionate and has a huge love for sister and hairy little brothers.
Of course, not to mention only the good parts, she is also very stubborn and brave. I only sell to believe it! Hehe
As usual, all hefty by ourselves, without great productions, but all from the heart, thinking of the birthday girl so important. She had a lot of fun, enjoyed being the center of attention at the time of congratulations (I thought she would hide ashamed, but was not so much).
Anyway, success!

  • Happy 3 yeary Diana! Love you!!
It's three already!!? What do you mean, you don't know?
The theme was unicorn…
The cake was me who made – I'm not an expert, but it tasted good.
1001 grimaces and smiles
Congratulations beautiful! We love you!!!

See 3-year-old Alice – here.