
Rome in Four Days

Rome is the largest city in Italy, and it’s reach in history and landmarks. I think it’s a city like Paris, London, or New York, when you can go as many times as you want, and there’s still something new to see.

In 2018, we started our tour of Europe here, and it did not disappoint. Since there’s so much, I decided to break down the post in three. The three posts are this one, our top five attractions and our day in the Vatican.

This post can be considered the best of the rest of Rome. 🙂

Spanish Steps and Piazza di Spagna

The Spanish Steps, which are in Piazza di Spagna, are basically a grand staircase with just over 130 steps. At the top of the staircase is the Trinità dei Monti church.

The whole area was extremely busy and we could barely get a little place on the stairs to take a picture. But it’s definitely still worth a visit.

Crowded Piazza de Spagna
Adriane and Alice in the street with the empty stroller
Diego Alice and Diana at the Spanish Steps with church on top
Spanish Steps with church

Piazza del Popolo and Santa Maria de Popolo Church

Piazza del Popolo was a nice surprise. Apart from the nice architectural details, the square also had some attractions for children that day and the girls took the opportunity to relax.

In the area there’s also the Basilica Santa Maria del Popolo, where we found some works of Caravaggio and Raphael.

Monument at Piazza del Popolo
Alice and Diana with Minion
Diego with Diana on his shoulders and the monument
Interior of the Santa Maria de Popolo church
Floor detail
Paintings in the ceiling of the church
Caravaggio and Raphael

Villa Borguese

From the Piazza del Popolo, you can walk up the stairs to Villa Borguese, stopping to admire the square from above at the Terrazza del Pincio.

View of the Piazza del Popolo from the Terrazza del Pincio
Panoramic view of Piazza del Popolo and Vatican in the background – from Terrazza del Pincio

We walked quite a bit in the Villa Borguese park, which ended up being a hit with the girls – it had a playground, a carousel and some inflatable structures.  

Diego walking in the park with trees around
Alice in the swings in the playground
Alice and Diana in the inflatable structure
Adriane Alice and Diana in front of the Borguese Museum
Borguese Museum/Gallery

Santa Maria Maggiore

The Basilica of Saint Mary Major was started in 432, and only finished in 1743, and is a Unesco World Heritage Site.

Santa Maria Maggiore interior
Santa Maria Maggiore interior
Santa Maria Maggiore
Santa Maria Maggiore exterior
Santa Maria Maggiore

Other Sights

There were many other amazing sites during our trip, but it would be a never-ending post if I tried to showcase then all. Therefore, here are some of the highlights in pictures.

Monuments and buildings in the Piazza della Republica
Piazza della Republica
Interior of Basilica Santa Maria degli Angeli and dei Martiri
Interior of Basilica Santa Maria degli Angeli and dei Martiri
Alice and Diana playing in the grass in the Nazionale Romano
Nazionale Romano
Diego Alice and Diana in the streets of Rome
Adriane at the Palazzo Barberini
Palazzo Barberini
Palazzo Barberini, New
Diego Alice and Diana posing for a photo
Piazza Venezia
Altare della Patria

The Food in Rome

We felt at home in Rome, being from Italian ancestry, when it came to food. Between pasta and pizza, the only thing that changed was the sauce or toppings – and that was good for everyone, even the girls. But the big hit with Alice and Diana was definitely the gelato, which they had every day. 🙂

Ice cream in Italy
Alice had an strawberry gelatto every day

If you want to see more, here are some other posts from our trip through Italy in 2018.