South America

Porto Alegre – RS

Porto Alegre, the state capital, was our last aerial bridge, then we went with our foot on the road to our final destination, Passo Fundo. We stayed only one day in Porto Alegre and did not make great tours simply for lack of time (between arriving tired and such…). We at least went for a walk in the city center, taking Alice on the playground and having lunch at rua da Praia shopping. 
My focus on this visit to Brazil, in terms of photography, is to register the country with tourist eyes. Not that I feel touristy (although I know very little of Porto Alegre, and I think so, I can be considered a tourist), but I think it’s an interesting approach, differentiated from our other visits.
Here are the pictures of the beautiful places we passed on our short walk…
Piratini Palace
Piratini Palace and then the Metropolitan Cathedral of Porto Alegre
St. Peter’s Theatre
Praça da Matriz – view of the Metropolitan Cathedral and Alice posing…
Alice loved the playground… 
Beautiful Cathedral of Porto Alegre
View of the apartment – Look at The River Border there, my friends colorados…. 🙂
Church of Our Lady of Pains and streets of Porto Alegre..
Kisses and until the next 🙂