United States

Universal Studios | Orlando

Universal Studios Orlando, Florida
Our days in Universal’s parks were very intense (as every day, by the way). We took a promotion to buy 2 days and win 2 days of toast, so we ended up arranging our days to be able to enjoy twice as much Universal Studios and Islands of Adventures.
And if anyone asks me, it’s hard to tell which park I like the most. But if I had to choose just one to visit, I think I would choose Islands of Adventure, for its diversity of things, for all tastes and age groups. But they both yield hoooras of fun.
One park is glued to the other, but the tickets we took were basic, not allowing the exchange from one park to another on the same day. 
I’m going to sum up our 2 days at Universal Studios Park, ready for lots of photos?


Access portico to Universal Studios Florida

Day of only girls strolling in the park… Hehehe
Alice in front of her favorite attraction – FROM ALL THE TRIP – Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fall
onI and Diana posing with megatron in the background (too bad it wasn’t BumbleBee!)
The two days in this park allowed us to visit the vast majority of attractions, if not all we had interest in. There were even some that we repeated. It is important to say that we do not buy the additional Express Pass ticket, which allows you to go in the fast queues. Even without, we control the schedules and we do not take queues with more than 30 min.
We love the new area (for us) of Harry Potter (Diagon Alley) that opened in the park in the summer of 2014. I found even more magic than the other and it was very funny to see several children, adolescents and adults turn the wands to make the magic work in several places in the area. I found very interesting the simulator / roller coaster escape of the Gringotts and I was fascinated by the richness of details of the place, since we were about 30 minutes in line admiring the work of recreating the bank of the world of magicians. Alice can even go to this attraction and has been approved!

We couldn’t take the hogwards express tour, because our ticket was one park per day, so it’s for the next one, but I heard that the seasons and the tour are pretty cool.

Alice elected her favorite tracing, of the entire trip, in this park, the simulator Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon and she faced multiple times. Diana didn’t have enough height for this, so we used child-swap (which I commented on in the initial post here).
And overall, we’ve checked out Despicable Me Minion Mayhem, Kang & Kodos Twirl ‘n’ Hurl, Men in Black Alien Attack, Revenge of the Mummy, Shrek 4D, The Simpsons Ride, Transformers, Woody Woodpecker’s Nuthouse Coaster (which Diana loved!).
Dragon on the roof of gringotts – he spits fire every so many minutes (Think about 15min – but I was not scoring! ha)
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™ – Diagon Alley™
Everything so good!
Alice and I at Espace from the Gringotts – that’s part of the line going through the building!
But the Harry Potter area is always full!! Al
ice tested the hidden hint of the park, knocking on the door and a weird being appears in the window above.
 For the girls, we love the super-colorful area of the Simpsons, but surely Fievel’s Playland playground was the favorite of the girls, along with spongebob’s little shop, where they “talked” to Patrick, ran and embraced every thing they saw there.
Meeting Patrick live and Diana making a wave in the Simpsons area
Look at the size of this doughnut
Can you take mommy?
SpongeBob’s famous house – the pineapple
Float slide at Fievel’s Playland – I’ve lost count of how many times Alice has come down!
Diana enjoying kang & kodos twirl ‘n’ hurl with grandma Lu

And overall, we’ve checked out Despicable Me Minion Mayhem, Kang & Kodos Twirl ‘n’ Hurl, Men in Black Alien Attack, Revenge of the Mummy, Shrek 4D, Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit, The Simpsons Ride, Transformers, Woody Woodpecker’s Nuthouse Coaster (which Diana loved!).

Transformers – simulator
Only Diego to face Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit!
Fast and Furious Movie Cars Exhibition – Promoting the New Attraction Due to Open in Summer 2018.


Some other details of our days in the parks will appear in the collection of videos I’m preparing – the first and the second are already on the air on You Tube, on our channel.
See you next time!