Baby #3 on the way…

Natural smiles or not so much, but all happy for sure!
For those who follow the #instagram of the blog, saw that the great novelty of the year is that the family is increasing again, comes around another canadian little boy or girl to bring many joys to our family.
And I start by saying that it was no surprise, we had been discussing the idea for months, but it was a certain scare at first, because the baby came right away, without having to wait too long. Good and blessed scare, of course.
We're halfway through the pregnancy, 20 weeks, about the beginning of the fifth month. Baby is planned for mid-March (in my month!).
The first three months were tired and frequent but mild nausea. It is not easy to keep the work routine, home and two children + 1 in the belly.
It seemed to be taking a long time to get through until after a point it started flying. I can't believe we're halfway there and there's already a baby trainer, kicking and jumping in there.
Our pinturinhas
We shared the news with the girls over the past 10 weeks and they were super happy. Alice has shown interest in the process, in the size that the baby is in each week. Diana is super excited about taking care, taking her lap and says she has one in her belly too (especially after dinner).
Were they happy to win a brother or sister?
We are very happy and praying that everything continues well until this little person arrives. By the way, we don't know the sex yet, but we'll find out soon enough.
12 week ultrasound
Baby at 12 weeks
We already have our vows here (although we'll be equally happy being boy or girl) and you bet on boy or girl???