Autumn/winter forecast in Ottawa

Alice enjoying the colors of autumn – love these colorful chrysanthemums
On September 22we welcomed the autumn and unlike many people, who hate to see the summer say goodbye for 9 months, I love the most colorful season of the year here.
It is that short time of being able to wear clothes and coats more beautiful, boots that never come out of the closet, because they can not be worn in the snow and are very hot for spring and summer.
What's more, the cold so, brings cozy nights, perfect for a fondue with the fireplace on and a wine to accompany… Hehe
But the colorful leaves are really what fills the eyes of us locals and tourists who come to visit the city (and throughout Canada).
In this early autumn, temperatures are more for summer, especially in the afternoon, starting the day with about 13 to 15ºC and reaching 27 to 30ºC in the afternoon (with the exception of last weekend – which came to give sensation of 39ºC!) , but with the cold that gave in the previous weeks, the leaves are already changing color (see the photo at the top of the post). The rains, which came abundant in the summer, ceased by the hour and we have had beautiful sunny days.

Tree in front of house in September 2017
Autumn 2016

Apparently, the autumn/winter 2017/2018 forecast in Ottawa is a mild winter with moderate cold but slightly above normal snow here for the region. That's according to the Canadian Farmers' Almanac which publishes annual forecasts of the seasons, based on planet position, solar activity and phases of the moon. The almanac usually hits 80 to 85% of the time, so let's get the shovel that's going to have a lot of snow to take out of the front and back of the house!

Days as well as the photo below – blizzard day will be more common this season… Is? See!

Blizzard – February 2016
Cleaning the snow out of the car so i can get out…
Melting ice flakes/snow in car

Kisses and even!