Canada Day 2013

Last Monday, July 1, was Canada's 146th anniversary, celebrated since July 1, 1867, when representatives of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and The Province of Canada (originally a colony only, but thereafter, separated into Ontario and Quebec), with British support through the British North America Act, they established a new country called, first, Dominion of Canada. The date was called Dominion Day until 1982 and since then is officially Canada Day (or Canada Day).
The other colonies joined the dominion in the following years, beginning in 1870, Manitoba and Northwest Territories, 1871 with British Columbia, 1873, with Prince Edward Islands, 1898, with Yukon, 1905 with Alberta and Saskatchewan, 1949, with Newfoundland and Labrador and finally in 1999, with Nunavut.
That year, we had only defined that we would not go to Parliament in downtown Ottawa because that crowd does not match with child who wants to run to everything that is side. We were going to enjoy staying at home anyway, but at the last minute I saw that some museums were free and we took the opportunity to visit the Science and Technology Museum on the east side of Ottawa.
The museum is simple, but worth knowing, mainly because it is a great entertainment for children. There's even a simulator, but we haven't tested it.
Later, we took a hop at Jacques-Cartier Park, here in Gatineau to check the people and festivities. Several attractions for children in the area and, consequently, long lines. It wasn't a problem for us, because most of them were for children a little older than Alice. Next year, we'il see…
And of course, next year there's more… 🙂 And for now, some pictures – as always… 🙂

Hello Hello!
Trains in museum
Someone loves to play in a kitchen…
Playing sailing…
Driving is up to herself.
Canada Day at Jacques-Cartier Park in Gatineau
Lego flag
You can't go alice yet!
Me, her and the bear – I've heard that this is the size of the adult bears that are usually seen in Gatineau Park.
That was obviously a little lie… (only the fur was real)
Canada Day with our mini-Canadian
Daddy and baby – Parliament in the background
Museum of Civilizations
Playing the patriot!
Croup with the Museum of Civilizations and Parliament in the background