Canadian Citizenship | the infinite process

I never commented here on the blog about the Canadian citizenship process because it's something that frustrates me, so much so that I called the process infinite!

After completing the 3 years on Canadian soil and discounting the days we were out of Canada at that time, behold, we were able to apply to the citizenship process in December 2010, after filling out a lot of paperwork, telling tim-tim by tim-tim what we had done in the last few years and photocopy tooodas the pages of all the passports we've ever had, among other things.

In February of the following year, we received the card in the brown envelope, with the study book and the official opening of the process.

And from there we waited patiently, until last week, when I was *p* of life and called there (in fact we had already called at the end of last year to check the status too) to again check the status and try to understand why so long.

Over two years, people. They said they're taking longer checking our background. I am now entangled in what may be taking so long, since our past is nothing obscure (or will it be?!).

But anyway, it looks like it could take until October. October!! That at the end of the day, it's December… and if it's three years in the process. And look, I thought the hard part was immigrating.

The truth is, we don't need citizenship. It would just be an achievement, another stage won and say, a hand in the wheel on visits to the States (without having to stop at the border and such…) and maybe an additional plus when I look for vacancies in the Canadian government here in the region.

But anyway, we keep waiting in the longest citizenship process in history that I have news …  

Patience is a virtue of the immigrant or expatriate, no doubt…