United States

Lake Placid – Part II

Even in places without great photographic potentials, we find a way to record things.. here goes part II (part I here) of the Lake Placid photos.

At the foot of the mountain – Whiteface Mountain
 Mountain still on the right 
Ski jump on the left – high as hell.. the guys are dooooidos…
I can’t understand how people have the guts to jump out of there…
View from up there..

Bobsled and skeleton
We didn’t go down, but we got on the podium! (3rd place was not very happy with the result…)
Back to the Olympic Center
Walk around Mirror Lake

Residence on the shores of the lake

Inside Mirror Lake


View of hotel hill

Hotel backgrounds

On the way back… I think there’s something wrong with this house… Hehe

Now i think it’s over… about the top 30 photos out of almost 250. I hope you enjoyed 😀 And i could get to know a little bit of the place.