
Lunenburg | Nova Scotia

One of the most photographed spots in Lunemburg.
While we were visiting Halifax (see post here) in Nova Scotia, we took half a day to visit the village of Lunenburg, about 1h15min by car. Although the small town (just over 2,000 inhabitants) is super small, we thought it was worth visiting it, telling all the charm, the colorful and the visuals. There are not many things to do there, so sights and such, so the ideal is to enjoy the streets, the visuals and the local cuisine. It appears as a fishing village and is recognized as a National Historic Site of Canada and Unesco World Heritage Site, so charm is what is not lacking.
Well, I think the photos speak for themselves, but see more specific comments below each photo:
Narrow but coloured streets in Lunenburg
There are times when legs get tired – hehe
Souvenirs in Lunenburg
Colorful eye-filling through the central streets of Lunenburg
One of Lunemburg’s cute restaurants
Our choice for lunch – Salt Shaker Deli – very friendly
Crab cake at Salt Shaker Deli
The pose with the colored panel had to come out… even with not everyone looking… Hehe
Tip: beautiful lunenburg visuals on the other side of town (golf club)
Pause for rest or play: each with his own activity.. Hehe
Lunemburg is one of the best-kept examples of a British colony in Canada.
More colours on the friendly streets of Lunenburg
Lunenburg – NS
Kisses and see below the links to the other posts of this trip: