How much difference a year makes…

Amazing how the notion of time passing has two sides: sometimes we can not understand how we are already in the middle of November, just over a month of the holidays and at the same time, wow, how much to remember in these 11 and a half months of 2016. I have nostalgic days, or well saying, I'm always with that feeling that these two young ladies here at home have been growing up, talking, inventing jokes and interacting super well, but too fast.
I'm sure whoever's a parent will agree with me.
It is sweet and bitter, this conviction that our children grow, thus, in the blink of an eye, but at the same time, they open doors to so many other emotions coming from them, with other phases and other charms. Anyway, better enjoy every second and do every special family moment.

November 2015

November 2016
As for these two pimpolhas, every day we have more fun with them. The conversations, now at 4, are one of the highlights of our day. They've started playing with each other in the last few months and it's been really cool to see this new dynamic.
Another thing you might see in these photos are still leaves in the trees, a fact that doesn't always happen in November. Today they are all already fallen in the trees here on the street, but they took longer this year, which gives a little more time to enjoy the beautiful colors of the Canadian autumn. It also has the fact that it is a warm autumn, with positive fears in the double digits still now, beyond the middle of the month. A fact that has been good for those who are visiting the region at this time, being able to enjoy more outdoor walks. What's more, the days have been shortening with each passing day and is beginning to darken at 4 pm, being super dark already at 5. I think it's a very important issue to take into account on a trip here from November to February, in addition to the cold, of course.

Autumn in Canada[parte 1]

Many colors and smiles in Canadian autumn… Ehhe

Kisses and until the next…