
Tobogganing: activity in the Canadian winter

Alice has long been asking to go sledding or tobogganing – that is – what we call ski-ass for the intimates, to add more glamour… Haha. Gliding on a snow-covered hill is the principle of the thing.
See a few other times we've been – in 2014 – here and here.
It was the first time that year, since many of the weekends were too cold to practice this sport that obviously should be Olympic (haha), others had no fluffy snow, others someone was sick and could not go … Bestand that last weekend, the planets aligned and gave the perfect combination: fluffy snow, mild temperature (around -1ºC) and all in the mood.
The hill is a two-minute drive from here and luckily, we had it all to ourselves. The girls had a lot of fun, Diego had a lot of fun too (but he got tired even more) and me and the belly were just recording the moment and admiring the scenery … Hehe
Anyway, even if you're walking in snowy times in Ottawa (or canada's snowy region), it's a good entertainment option. I think even a cardboard can serve as a sled in last cases (until it gets wet with the snow, but still yes).
Snow in Canada
Cool is going down – go up, not so much!
Snow in Canada
I love the colors of winter too…
Snow in Canada
Alice was the one who came down the most!
Snow in Canada
But Diana doesn't get too far behind!
Snow in Canada
Golf course in summer – squirrels area in winter… Hehe
There they go, the two of them.
Snow in Canada
Snow in Canada
Goofies, goofies!
Snow in Canada
Covering the boot!
Snow in Canada
Cute pranks…
Snow in Canada
Visuals of a snowy day…
Snow in Canada
Eita love for snow this Alice!