
Toronto on Canada Day

– We continue to paint (and embroider) in the basement. There are still some walls and touches in the painting as well as the baby's room, which just came out of the crate to reality. 
*Liana – explain your basement questions in the next related post, ok?!

– We went to another Cirque du Soleil show. We watched Quidam in Ottawa even on the last day 26. Amazing how they manage to do shows so different from each other. This was with more ground numbers and a lot of clowning. Very cool too!

– Toronto: On the Canada Day holiday, we escaped from the capital (and the royal couple) and went to Toronto for a ride with friends Carol and Luciano. The visit was lightning, but super cool. We stayed comfortably at each of Raul and Marcela (thanks saw! We love it!), we walk, we meet more friends, barbecue and photos. Anyway, the perfect holiday getaway…

Canada Day!!
On arrival – raul and marcela's house
View of Toronto from Toronto Island
Very cool this place – we took a ferry to get there – this set of islands still houses an airport…
Toronto Island, California
Lake Ontario Beach





At the ferry exit
Then we visited the Distillery District – charming place with many people on the street – brewery at your disposal, as well as several shops, bakery, chocolate factory, restaurants, events etc.
We, Carol and Luciano, Raul and Marcela and Alice and Diogo.



Some of the buildings have been there since 1832




Distillery District is close to downtown Toronto


View of cn tower from the distillery district
On the morning of the return, a special breakfast at Cora's (recommend – have in all over Canada), because no one is iron… Hehe

Bjooos, New Year