3 weeks in Germany
Although I still owe several and several posts about the process so far, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to write in real time how we are dealing and what is happening in these first 3 weeks of expatriates in Germany.
Right away, in the first week, Alice and Diana were already starting school and although we signed virtually all the necessary documents, still lacked sending the definitive and a few more pending about the school. They’ve started well, they haven’t been so surprised, because a lot of people speak English there (the school is bilingual, English/German). For us is also being quiet, everyone very helpful and cool, including the parents of other children that we get to know little by little. We’re surprised to join Whatsapp groups for school issues, which doesn’t happen in Canada.
In the first and second week, we also began to evaluate what was needed to buy immediately, electrometic type and things for the house that are not coming in our contâiner (story for another post). So we’ve already bought washers and dryers, some small coffee maker-like electrodes, toaster, microwave, etc. I also researched and designed (mentally) some essential furniture from the dining room and living room and some have already been purchased and are coming gradually. Another big thing was our walk-in closet, super necessary, since none of the rooms have closets to store clothes (the girls and Arthur will also gain wardrobes as soon as possible).

And in three weeks, we’ve solved several of the arrival bureaucracies in a new country. We register in the city where we are living, since we are camped in our “definitive” home. Soon with this registration, it opens doors to others, insurance, health insurance, home services, radio/TV rate, puppies etc.
We finished the purchase of our first car here too, process that had already been forwarded from Canada still, but that needed some extra details. Diego finally managed to get the car a few days ago in the city of Stuttgart (the plan was to turn the trip there into a family tour, but it turned out that did not give…)
In contrast, we’ve had several tight skirts, but I think we’re dealing well with the fact that we don’t speak German and even only do it in English, which for us is extremely customary, since we did it in Canada 12 years ago. We had a lot of people speaking English when we announced that we didn’t speak German and few people who refused or really might not know. By phone it has to be the most difficult situation, if the person does not really speak English, but even so, we end up understanding ourselves with our very limited vocabulary (we can understand a little-minimal, but speak, ah that nothing yet).
As for the weather, the first two weeks were super pleasant, with averages of 22 degrees. Already this third week was with beautiful days, but somewhat too hot for us, especially because the house does not have central air conditioning, which we were comfortable accustomed to in Canada. The insulation of the house is efficient, the ventilation abundant (the windows are vast), but still, to sleep has a slightly uncomfortable side. Hoping for cooler days in the coming weeks.
I still can’t tourist much, since every day had something to resover or assemble (hello IKEA) at home. We managed to take a walk in the center of our little town, also in the center of Frankfurt for lunch with a friend, a visit to the public swimming pool of our city also and a walk through one of the “forests” close to home, with the whole family (furry included).

Well, next week promises to be decisive, with Diego returning to full-time work and our stuff coming into the container. With this, a step closer to organizing the house and our routine in a more harmonious way for everyone and maybe, just maybe, start planning future trips, even if only starting with nearby places.
See you soon!