Daily Life

Moving abroad again: our thought process | Expat life

moving abroad again

The Decision

When we told people we were moving abroad again, the first question asked by most people was “Why??!!”. We really don’t have a straightforward answer. This was really a combination of factors that culminated in the perfect storm for us to make the decision.

First of all, we would not have considered moving if we didn’t have something secured there. It all started because Diego was contacted by a recruiter with a job in Frankfurt. At first, he decided to reply to the recruiter because, as he says, “what do I have to lose?”. But it turned out that a few months of process, including a visit to their offices in Frankfurt, he received the offer to join them.

During the process we already started making our list of pros and cons of moving. That was not an easy process, because, for all intends and purposes, we had a very comfortable life in Canada. We were also very familiar with the costumes and culture, made friends, and spoke the language. 😉

Our Reasons

We started by thinking of the affect this would have in each one of us, including the children. Even though we knew it would be challenging, the kids at this age (7,4,1), adapt quite fast and should gain so much culturally with this experience.

For us, we would be also adding another language, and would be challenging ourselves in social and work environments. But most importantly, we would be feeding our travel bug. It would be making it easier to visit places we likely would never visit if we stayed in North America.

And we finalized our thought process by thinking the worst that could happen, which would be for us to decide it was a bad decision, and we would come back to Canada. And we would bring back the experience of living/working in Germany, which should hopefully would make our resumes more attractive.

So there you have it… travel opportunities, new skills, getting out of comfort zone and challenging ourselves. All good reasons that made us decide moving abroad again was the right thing to do.