DIY at home | Front door transformation

*Thanks for the sweet comments on the baby gender everybody!!

One of the great number of projects that were happening along with our flooring installation was the front door transformation. See, my idea was to actually replace the door for one with more glass (and another color), but for now, all we could spend was on some paint for the one we currently have.
It’s been a couple of years that I’ve been dreaming with a house with a black front door. Of course, it wasn’t a factor point when selecting a house to buy, but I kept my mind on the idea.
So I went to Home Depot and got a good exterior paint + primer from Behr. I had a hard time picking the color, it was hard to decide the exact shade of black/dark grey I wanted.
I ended up picking a tone from CIL palette, but on a BEHR base , dark grey (CP51 Black Mica)
For my surprise, once I got home and opened the can, the paint looked dark blue! Well, since you can’t really return paint, I was starting to get used to the idea of having a dark blue door instead of black.
I removed the hardware, put some painter’s tape on the small rectangular glass panels and some around the casing (that we decided to keep it white), sanded a bit (specially around old handle and lock) and the painting part started, when I gladly noticed that the color was really the black I had chosen. Funny eh? At second coat, the blue was definitely fading and at third coat, the black was clear. 🙂
Doesn’t that look a dark blue to you?
The existing hardware – we had already changed the lock, when we moved in…
Lock removed – time to sand the area, cover that lower hole and make a new one to fit new hardware
The beginning of painting
First coat done – note that it does look blueish still..
Second coat – blue is turning black..hehe
Third coat dried and new hardware is in!
Now, the front porch and overall curb appeal have still a long way to go. We plan to wash the windows (terribly dirty outside), paint the garage door with the same color as the front door and work something out with our sidewalk leading to the door. All on the list before winter hits us again!
And I still need a nice wreath for this front door!!!!