Swimming pool Germany

Public Pools in Germany | Family Activities

When in Germany, do as the Germans! And Germans like their “Schwimmbads”. This post describes our experience with three different public pools in Germany in the Taunus region, where we live.

When we arrived and it was still hot outside, we went to two different ones. Then the “cold” started, and we stopped visiting pools. But last weekend we went to a new one and loved it. They all had similarities (like pools, of course!), but also offered different activities, depending on which season of the year you decide to visit them.

In the summer, the outdoor pools are freezing (at least for me and in the ones we went). Families go to spend the day and take food, chairs, picnic paraphernalia, toys, etc. They had a lot of green space, but not a lot of built-in tables, so people were just improvising.

In the winter, on the other hand, all indoor pools were warm or warmer, depending on the size and audience. The one we went had temperatures for all tastes – myself and Arthur spent most of the time in the kids pool (not as hot as the whirlpool, but still great).

The rest of this post describes the three ones we went so far.


Photo of Waldschwimmbad in Kronberg

“Wald” means “forest” in German, and the name makes sense. The pool is built in the middle of a forest, full of green space around it. It has a simple structure, and the water is from natural springs (I guess that’s why it was so freakin’ cold for me!). This one only operates from May through September, and it’s an excellent choice for a family program during the warmer months.

Photo of the outdoor pool


  1. Where?

    In Kronberg, about 8 minutes from our house, and 30 minutes from downtown Frankfurt.

  2. When?

    May through September

  3. How much?

    Adults – 6 €
    Children (6 to 18) – 3 €
    Children (0 to 5) – free
    Seniors (over 65) – 5 €


Entrance of Taunabad building

TaunaBad was a nice surprise – everything new and very modern. It also had several options for different ages and abilities, including areas just for kids. Bathrooms and change rooms were also very well organized. On top of that, they also had warmer indoor pools, which we switched to after a short period in the cold outside waters. 🙂

Adriane holding Arthur in the change room
Diego, Alice, Diana and Arthur with the pool in the background


  1. Where? In Oberursel, about 10 minutes from our house and 25 minutes from downtown Frankfurt.
  2. When? I believe the outdoor pools only operate from May through September, but the indoor pool is open all year long.
  3. How much? Different options depending if you go alone or as a family, so it’s best to check on the website.


Diego, Alice and Diana on their way to Seedammbad
One of the indoor pools

As I said in the beginning, we really like this one. They had many indoor options with slides, whirlpool, lazy river, baby/toddler area, and more! You could even go swim outside from one of the indoor pools, and there were quite a few people doing so.

All to say that we’re definitely planning on going again!


  1. Where? In Bad Homburg, about 15 minutes from our house and 25 minutes from downtown Frankfurt.
  2. When? All year long.
  3. How much? Also lots of options with and without time limits, so it’s best to check on their website.

If you like pools, you won’t be disappointed. There are many public pools in Germany to explore, and it’s a great program if you have kids to entertain while here. These are some of the other pools in the region that we want to go to (future post):

How about you, do you normally go to public pools when travelling? Or even in your own city?