• Canada

    Tobogganing: activity in the Canadian winter

    Alice has long been asking to go sledding or tobogganing – that is – what we call ski-ass for the intimates, to add more glamour… Haha. Gliding on a snow-covered hill is the principle of the thing. See a few other times we've been – in 2014 – here and here. It was the first time that year, since many of the weekends were too cold to practice this sport that obviously should be Olympic (haha), others had no fluffy snow, others someone was sick and could not go … Bestand that last weekend, the planets aligned and gave the perfect combination: fluffy snow, mild temperature (around -1ºC) and all…

  • Europe

    Half a day in Siena, Italy

    Siena was on our way to Florence from Rome, so we decided to stop for a few hours. The drive is just over 2h and 30 minutes, and the scenery of Tuscany is fantastic. The city is a Unesco World Heritage Site and its beginning dates back to the age-old 900 BC. Every corner of the city was charming, and you do not need a car to get around the city. This is why we parked in a public parking lot just 10 minutes from everything. Piazza del Campo and the Duomo di Siena (or Siena Cathedral) are the main attractions, and located about five minutes apart, in the middle…

  • Canada

    Living in Canada: downtown or suburbs?

    Like many of the mornings, coldarctic style, super typical of the Canadian winter, but especially this year, I found myself thinking how suburban our routine is. We live west of the center of the Canadian capital in the Kanata district and rarely need to get out of here for the usual things of our day-to-day lives.And to say, ever since we got to Ottawa, we’ve never lived downtown. We lived in a neighborhood called Britannia for the first few months, then we lived in the suburbs of Gatineau, in the neighboring province of Québec, and then we moved back to Ontario, to Kanata neighborhood where we are to this day.When…

  • Europe

    A day in Vatican, Italy

    Our fourth day in Rome was dedicated to a visit to the Vatican. We booked all day for the tour there, but in fact we were able to see a few more things after visiting the Vatican Museum, which we had bought tickets in advance online, St. Peter’s Basilica and take a general tour of the area. I knew almost nothing about visiting the Vatican until I researched the subject before the trip. One thing I didn’t know was that access to the Vatican is not controlled, meaning I had the idea that it was monitored/paid for. What is really needed is the ticket to the Vatican Museum, one of…

  • Canada,  Pets

    Our dogs in the Canadian winters

    Dogs on the snow

    I have received some questions about how to take care of our furry kids in the Canadian winter, especially on the colder days and the snowy days, so behold, this post comes to tell a little of our experience with our dogs in the cold weather here in Ontario, Canada. Dexter and Eddie were born in Canada, so they’ve known the cold their whole lives so far, but of course, since they are small in size, they are more susceptible to low temperatures. In general, even if it is a really cold day, life goes on, just as for people. But I can tell you, they kind of hibernate during…

  • Europe

    Rome in Four Days

    Rome is the largest city in Italy, and it’s reach in history and landmarks. I think it’s a city like Paris, London, or New York, when you can go as many times as you want, and there’s still something new to see. In 2018, we started our tour of Europe here, and it did not disappoint. Since there’s so much, I decided to break down the post in three. The three posts are this one, our top five attractions and our day in the Vatican. This post can be considered the best of the rest of Rome. 🙂 Spanish Steps and Piazza di Spagna The Spanish Steps, which are in…